1.A used value is in principle the value used for rendering, but a user agent may not be able to make use of the value in a given environment.
2.Inside Rails, you want to be able to identify an iPhone user agent in the ApplicationController for eventual use in a before filter.
3.You can block access to any of them by including the bot name on the User-Agent line of an entry.
4.The name of the header should be converted to lower-case and any dashes replaced with underscores, as in "$http_user_agent" .
5.This doesn't affect the file size as much but requires less memory for the user agent to decompress the image into a pixel map.
6.When a user visits a portal application through a KIOSK, the client shown to the portal server is determined by the user agent.
7.While useful, the many XML Schema mechanisms are simply too insufficient and too ambiguous to be of value to a user agent developer.
8.Finally, we added a type attribute value, which is optional and is only there as an advisory hint to the user agent.
9.The name used to refer to a specific user agent .
10.User Agent Switcher Extension - Allows you to define user agents and switch user agents to simulate different devices.